Some materials for learners and people interested
The following texts come from various sources which will be named as we go along.
The book of Queen Victoria's trips to Scotland
Tha na h-àobharaìn airson an deach an leabhar so chur mach, ann an doigh athghearr, mar so. Air àon de sgrìobain an Uidheamaich aig Bailmhorail, air gnothaichean oidhicheal, cheadaich a Morachd dhà gu ro chàoimhneil, sealladh fhàituinn de na h-ùibhir a mhìrean as an leabhar-aithris aice, thàobh cuairtean ann an Gàdhalltachd na h-Alba. Ghabh e mòran tlachd annta ; agus thàin e thairis air an tlachd so dhi.
The circumstances winch liave led to the publi- cation of this volume are briefly these. « During one of the Editor's official visits to Bal- moral, her Majesty very kindly allowed h^m to see several extracts from her journal relating to excur- sions in the Highlands of Scotland. He was much interested by them, and expressed the interest which he felt.
Bhuail e a Mòrachd an sin gum fàodadh na mìrean sin a bha, mar bha iad, coghleachdte ri cuid de na h-uairean bu sonadh ga beatha, a bhith air an deanamh nàird nan leabhar, gu bhith air am preàntig ann an doigh dhìomharach airson an toirt seachad do hichd-dàimh na Teaghlaich Rìoghail agus do shàr chàirdean a Mòrachd i fhèin ; gu sonruichte dhaibhse bha air bhith letha agus air bhith am fritheal- adh oirre air na cuairtean sin
It then occurred to her Majesty that these extracts, referring, as they did, to some of the happiest hours of her life, might be made into a book, to be printed privately, for presenta- tion to members of the Royal Family and her Maj- esty's intimate friends, especially to those who had accompanied and attended her in these tours.
Bha e an sin air chur an cèann a Mòrachd le feàdhainn thàobh eiginn agus nam measg lc dàimheach dlùth theann agus gàolach do'n Bhàn-righinn, agus an deidh làimh leis an Uidheamair gum bitheadh an obair so, nam b'e agus gum bitheadh i air toirt gu eòlas mùinntir eile, ro thait- neach leotha cho mhath agus leis an Teàghlach Rìoghail agus le sàr chàirdean a Morachd. Thuirt a Bhànrighinn airson sin, nach robh sgil air bhith aice-se air ìighdar- achd ; gum b'e bhannta sin, anns a chuid bu mhùmha, aithrisean fàdharsach mu sgrìobain fagasg do'n dachaidh agus gun robh i faireachdain ro mhithògarrach nì sam bith chur mach bh'air sgrìobhadh le fhèin.
It was then suggested to her Majesty by some persons, among them a near and dear relative of the Queen, and afterward by the Editor, that this work, if made known to Others, would be very in- teresting to them as well as to the Royal Family and to her Majesty's intimate friends. The Queen, however, said that she had no skill whatever in authorship ; that these were, for the most part, mere homely accounts of excursions near home; and that she felt extremely reluctant to publish any thing written by herself.
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